(Redirected from KunDa)
Northeast United States, Sol-3
Virtures (left):[edit]
Member of:[edit]
- The s23 Cabal of the hidden pencil
- The USA library system (one of the most amazing institutions left in the states)
- My own Nervous System (sometimes)
- 2 Books registered and traveling out in the work (hopefully) @ BookCrossing
- Dune Messiah By Frank Herbert
- Children of Dune By the same author
Breathing Correctly Bowel Movement Posture Contentment Yoga Meditation Floatation Tanks EarthWays Resourcefullness Survival Skills Wiki
Robert Anton Wilson Rumi Buckminister Fuller Timothy Leary
Other Interests:[edit]
- Practical wiki pages and Homemade Cooking
- Verbal Self Defense aka VerbalAbuse (more examples of attacks and appropriate defense/diffusing techniques)
- Hatha Yoga
- Pranayama and its techniques like Khapalabati Nadi Shodanam Bhastrika Ujjai
Some old crap
Wiki Stats[edit]
This page has been
Hits on Kunda |
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frikin times since some arbitrary point in space/time.
(counter is showing numbers that are way too low, cause it only looks in the archive,but now the new page table, afaik, mutante 16:26, 17 December 2005 (CET))
This wiki version edit was made from Varanassi India :) -Kunda