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Non-hierarchical geek contents dis-organization by uncensored, decentralized, transglobal multi-user hypertext editing without restrictions. But please respect people's Privacy
What you can do here:
Learn first[edit]
- Learn what the hell a Wiki really is @ usemod-wiki: what is a wiki
- Learn how to edit a Wiki page from Tutorial :: or if you have ADD or are impatient try the s23 quick and dirty wiki-tutorial for the impatient
- Learn some Tips & Tricks from S23 Wiki Tips
Search and Read the wiki[edit]
- Browse: Browse categories or Page Index.
- Search: Perform a regular search in the navigation box on the left side.
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Create new pages[edit]
- You can also create a new page by just opening a new URL in your browser like this: http://s23.org/wiki/<keyword>
Example: http://s23.org/wiki/Some_Page
- Or by creating a link to it in an existing page using double brackets [[YourPage]].
- Check Wanted Pages to see which pages need to be created
Edit existing content[edit]
- In a Wiki you will always find an "Edit" button (In this wiki it is at the top(and side for sections) of the page) Just hit it.
- You dont need to register or a password. (Only optional: You can set up a UserName if you wish, click UserName for more info)
- You can also simply double-click anywhere on a page to get into edit mode.
Help to make the wiki better[edit]
- Create wanted pages
- Insert links into dead end pages
- Categorize uncategorized pages
- Visit orphaned pages aka 'Lonely pages' (poor things;)
- Extend short pages
Hacking Mediawiki[edit]
Just fool around[edit]
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- Special:Statistics - if you want to see our stats