< TingWiki
ting46, Sunday, 30th of October 2005, 18:00 UTC (19:00 CET)[edit]
We are meeting half an hour before a ting on irc, server freenode, channel #ting. We use the collaborative editor gobby and teamspeak for VoIP. The gobby server is servermama.dyndns.org, port 6522 (default). You find the teamspeak login data on the gobby page ting46_talk.
topic proposals[edit]
- add in gobby
Headline text[edit]
Headline text[edit]
ting46_document gobby-page inclusion[edit]
topic proposals:
- How to get in more people on the tings?
- How do you make a general community of people
meeting around topics? (OpenSpace Online)
- The Law of Two Feet and the Internet.
- OpenSpace
- Doing OpenSpace on the Internet
- Meeting space for naming subject and time
- Discussion about the Discussion (MetaDiscussion)
- On Teamspeak, w/o Gobby, no record
- "Topics of the day to discuss" -- the "Topic Map"
- Rules that structure the presentation
- Revisiting process, remaking process
- (You want a record as you put together your process
- Flash Meeting -- ability to bookmark parts of the
audio conversation (ie, mid-conversation points)
- Law of Two Feet (-- where did it come from?)
- Lion can't commit to actions in the next 3 months
- TaoRiver wiki (FastCGI,)
- LocalNames
- Global process, global organization
- Generalizing common steps;
- "The General Internet Vision"
- This collaborative session is unique, important.
- People come on Internet, but it's pretty dead right now.
- This is a familiar pattern: negotiating new space
- Hype Cycle: http://www.globalprblogweek.com/images/2005/tmurphy_gartner_hype_cycle_small.gif
- Futures wiki: http://future.wikicities.com/wiki/Main_Page
- Is the Ting a workshop?
- We explore multiple mediums, what we can do with them
- PublicPrivateInterface -- "Social Objects"
- "GuideBall" -- difficulty in sharing experience
- Second Life: http://www.communitywiki.org/en/SecondLife
- Second Life is unique in immersiveness, feedback, collaboration
- Alternative Currency
- Welcome messages to the hive mind
end of ting46_document gobby-page inclusion[edit]
MattisManzel 21:16, 30 October 2005 (CET): Thanx all, ting_document gobby-page inclusion is a fake and mere dream right now btw ;) Cu next sunday.