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    On Windows, put:

    Module HalloWelt 
    	Sub Main() 
    	Console.WriteLine("Hallo, Welt!") 
    	End Sub
    End Module 

    in a textfile with any texteditor, save it as fnord.vb

    then on a cmd.exe ,type:

    C:\%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\vbc.exe fnord.vb

    (or wherever you have vbc.exe, which is the visual basic compiler) (*)

    (*) If you cant find vbc.exe on your box you need to install .Net Framework, you dont need the complete SDK, that is optional.

    .. and you will have a new fnord.exe and compiled your own windows commandline executable.

    C:\fnord.exe Hallo, Welt!

    ergo: also on Windows you dont need a GUI to create applications.

    Beispiel Nettoberechnung[edit]

    ' Berechnet Nettobetrag aus Bruttobetrag und Steuersatz
    Imports System.Console
    Module T1
    	Sub Main()
    	  Dim br as Double
    	  Dim st as Double
    	  Dim netto as Double
    	  Dim nochmal as String
    	WriteLine("'Programm T1' - Berechnet Nettobetrag aus Bruttobetrag und Steuersatz")
    	     DO WHILE br <= 0
    	        WriteLine("Bitte einen Bruttobetrag eingeben. (Der Bruttobetrag muss > 0 sein.): ")
    	     DO WHILE st <= 0 OR st > 100
    	        WriteLine("Bitte einen Steuersatz in Prozent eingeben (Steuer muss > 0 und <= 100 sein!) %: ")
    	   Write("Der Nettobetrag ist: ")
    	   Write("Nochmal rechnen? (j/n): ")
    	 LOOP UNTIL nochmal="n"
    	End Sub
    End Module 
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