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    User talk:Mutante: Difference between revisions

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    > Das geht ganz leicht, schau mal auf [[Feeds/Discordian]] ;)<br />
    gesehen! cool!
    == you have been /SUMMONed ==
    your presence is requested in freenode#wiki [[User:|]] 00:54, 8 Apr 2005 (CEST)

    Revision as of 22:59, 7 April 2005


    mutante !save last 23 of mutante,drowl,mattis from #seti23 to s23wiki:IRC/logs/$timestamp haha ;) good night all


    Finn 21:20, 30 Mar 2005 (CEST)

    LOL @ Ohmsches Gesetz hehe

    (added by KunDa)

    mutante, a creature of mutation. A facilitator of skills for himself and fellow humans.
    Co-founder of the Seti23 cabal and bestower of neat thingies on the unsuspecting public.
    A bringer of light on all terrestrial inhabitance. A mench among the wretch and rabble.
    His mother should be proud...never has such a bastard walked among us and lived 
    a full length life (yet).

    Amen. (:P)

    muta, thanks for the WmIc page...awesome! -KunDa

    Muta, A script to check the USA's Homeland Security threat level

     echo -n "Threat Level: "
     curl -s http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/getAdvisoryCondition | tail -n 1 | awk -F" '{print $2}'


    $threat = eregi_replace('.*CONDITION="(.*)" />', '1', implode('
    ', file("http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/getAdvisoryCondition")));
    print "Homeland Security Threat Leval: $threat.";

    Maybe you can tcl one and add it to the bots! jejeje -KunDa

    Hehe, i just tested both versions and of course they work ;) will get into the tcl version as requested .. -mutante

    Know https://fuckup.homeunix.net/index.php?FWikiChanges? -- gelegentlicher FAZ Heringseinwickler MattisManzel

    Man, yet again..i must tip my hat and give props do a man that kicks so much ass..
    Mr. mutante
    The intermap and the template blank wiki page are excellent.

    mutante, MoonEdit ist der Kracher! -- MattisManzel

    Hey mutante, meld dich mal bei mir - am besten per Jabber. -- zakx

    Stimmt, mutante erreicht man nur noch über's wiki :) MattisManzel

    new template

    very snazzy :D easy on the eyes to..i like the richness in color..its nice a subtle as opposed to the old wiki..this one has more colors to discern and i appreciate little things like that.. details..but not too much. simple, practical and comfortable to use. well done mate have you checked it out with difference themes? Kunda

    I like it to but the big white box makes my head hurt... ill have to make my own skin i think =) + the text at the top logon preffes etc is black on a black back-ground =) DrOwl

    Yea, its not finished yet. We should make the default css together and/or each of us makes a css and we integrate them in the "Skin" options to choose from. I put the css i messed with up here. You can play with it (i hope) using your [[User:Fnord/monobook.css]] user style page. Check out my own User:mutante/monobook.css for copy & pasting,too. I added a few hacks for rounded corners that i found on Wikipedia. Combined with the changed default template, it looks a lot better. mutante 20:54, 8 Feb 2005 (CET)

    hay mut i love the image trick, i havent looked how you did it yet but it rules =) --User:DrOwl

    Re: RSS Feed

    Ja, ich hab einen Newsfeed.
    Atom: http://ees555.ee.funpic.de/blog/atom.xml
    RSS/Atom: http://feeds.feedburner.com/KdgkBlog
    Wär cool, wenn man den in das Wiki hier einbauen könnte :D

    Alles Heil Diskordia!

    > Das geht ganz leicht, schau mal auf Feeds/Discordian ;)
    gesehen! cool!

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