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    add a code2 tag into wiki pages using some regex and the pre tag in a custom Mediawiki extension:

    its for displaying code and such like below, but with out the messing about

    we need to replace out any code that wiki might process...

    this is a first untestedversion with just monkey knolage of how to make it work


    symbols wiki uses and there excape codes

    < = &lt;

    > = &gt;

    # = &#35;

    [ = &#91;

    \ = &#92;

    { = &#123;

    | = &#124;

    } = &#125;

    ~ = &#126;




    <code2>some code including <b> html</b> tags and such things... </code2>

    example Result[edit]

    just the code form above displayed instead of "run" ie the <b> bit isnt in bold  =)


    <highlightSyntax> <?php

    1. code Mediawiki extension
    2. using regex
    3. by DrOwl 21.06.2005 <- a Date in the Future ,ehe ;)
    4. upDated 23.06.2006
    5. added in a few more regEx's and renamed to code2
    1. install extension hook

    $wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfCodeExtension";

    1. extension hook callback function

    function wfCodeExtension() {

     global $wgParser;
     #install parser hook for <code2> tags
     $wgParser->setHook( "code2", "renderCode" );


    function renderCode( $input ) { global $wgOutputEncoding;

    if (!$input) $input = "mu"; #if no input then mu

    $input =~ s/&/&/g; $input =~ s/</</g; $input =~ s/>/>/g; $input =~ s/#/#/g; $input =~ s/[/[/g; $input =~ s/]/]/g; $input =~ s/{/{/g; $input =~ s/|/|/g; $input =~ s/}/}/g; $input =~ s/~/~/g;

    $output="<pre>"; $output."$input"; $output.="</pre>";

    return $output;



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