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    TingWiki/ting50: Difference between revisions

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    (link to fete-d'internet-wiki: ting-radio)
    m (link to fete-d'internet-wiki: ting-radio)
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    Later I'll write on it here.
    to be copied to {[http://www.communitywiki.org/odd/F%C3%AAteInternet/TingRadio fete-d'internet-wiki: ting-radio]
    xtof : we could try also to open a flashmeeting with videobloggers, blikistes, and all folks coming from the experimental living Web. FlashMeeting could be used with gobby. This page will be linked to our WikiNode based on : http://www.communitywiki.org/odd/F%C3%AAteInternet/WikiNode

    Revision as of 17:30, 20 March 2006



    ting50, Sunday, 19th of March 2006, 18:00 UTC (19:00 CET)

    We are meeting half an hour before a ting on irc, server freenode, channel #onebigsoup. We use Gobby as a collaborative editor (v0.3.0 only please - older versions are incompatile and will likely ruin the ting) and teamspeak for VoIP. The collab-editor-server is kathigraben.mine.nu, port 6522 (default). You find the teamspeak login data on the gobby page ting50_talk or ask in irc.freenode #onebigsoup.

    topic proposals

    • tings are open. so come up with a topic - you will realize pretty soon if someone's interested in it
    • ting-radio
    • BlinkenApplet
    • add here or in gobby, please


    19th of March 2006 18:00 UTC


    • ma: Mattis Manzel
    • xtof: Christophe Ducamp
    • add yourself/ajoutez vous


    This is a voice-ting, we use VoIP parallel with this collab-editor session: Teamspeak - server: despise-the-graceful.com:3333 (3333 is not the default port)

    Ceci est un ting-voix, nous utilisons en parallèle la VoIP avec cette session d'édition collaborative : Serveur Teamspeak : despise-the-graceful.com:3333 (3333 n'est pas le port par défaut) Connectez-vous avec QuickConnect et copiez directement dans le champ de saisie "despise-the-graceful.com:3333"

    Possibly configure your teamspeak to push-to-talk, please.

    Configurez svp votre teamspeak en mode push-to-talk.

    This page will go to ting-wiki: ting50 soon after the ting. So use Mediawiki-syntax when writing, please. Start with a two letter abreviation that identifies yourself. This is because when copying to wiki we loose the background colors and can't tell who wrote what anymore.

    Cette page ira vers le ting-wiki : ting50 bientôt après le ting. Aussi utilisez svp la syntaxe de Mediawiki au moment d'écrire. Démarrez avec deux lettres d'abréviation qui vous identifient : Ceci parce qu'au moment de copier vers wiki nous perdons les couleurs d'arrière plan et ne pouvons pas dire qui a écrit quoi.

    We might do some experiments with streaming the teamspeak-conversation, actually. The streaming might happen on Veedelsradio http://www.veedelsradio.de/

    Nous pourrions faire quelques expériences pour diffuser en flux la conversation teamspeak. Le flux pourrait arriver sur Veedelsradio http://www.veedelsradio.de/


    ma: moin sheep xtof : Christophe Ducamp (assisté de Mathieu Coste)

    I'll tell the folks on vedeelsradio, that we have

    • collab-writing gobby
    • chat-writing (irc.stream24.org #veedelsradio)
    • VoIP teamspeak
    • streaming-radio

    running and that I'd somehow node that all together, k?

    xtof : I'm with EveMoreau and MathieuCoste currently organizing the french internet fiesta (on a wiki http://www.communitywiki.org/odd/F%C3%AAteInternet/PageAccueil) we could try to promote some teamspeak/gobby jam sessions even if the main trouble I see is the mac client seems not so easy to configure. Mathieu will try again.

    I talked to pSycore on teamspeak, can you join?

    xtof :ok here am I on teamspeak... ! switching between different windows irc, teamspeak, wiki, languages ! and... gobby is quite difficult...

    sheep: gobby difficult? you just type... is there anything in particular there are problems with?

    ma:Alt + tab. Two boxes are a hell of useful, wouldn't like to do without them.

    sheep: what's alt+tab? what do you mean? ah, sorry :)

    ma: switching between programs.

    ma: sheep, can you join teamspeak?

    sheep: no, I can't get it working, probably something with my mike -- I mean the software setup part of it ;)

    xtof : have you ever tried synchroedit : http://rcc.synchroedit.com/F/client/ a multicollaborative editor on the web. I used it 15 years ago in a university course with some students... They did appreciate it ;-)

    ma: pitty. It's totaly crazy, with four levels. Too much almost, when you try get something going. Starting one fire is too much sometimes already. But four? Tried synchroedit, it bugs worse that gobby at the moment, my expierience. But it's a cool thing in the browser, definetly. Something -dunno what - tells me that gobby is closer to a recoverable history of a collab-editor session. Monedit has such in a way with the history slidebar on the top. It's breathtaking. Collab-editor needs that, I think.

    sheep: wonder when vim gets collaborative ;)

    ma: gobby has features for programming-languages, I understand nothing about that, but cool.

    sheep: a 'compile and run' shortcut? ah, I can see the syntax highlighting in the menu, that must be it.

    ma: This multi level is like giving a party and all the five first guest are in different rooms. Heck! Talked to xtof about proposing the radio-multi-communication-thing to the frenchfolks on fete d'internet wiki.

    Later I'll write on it here.

    to be copied to fete-d'internet-wiki: ting-radio

    xtof : we could try also to open a flashmeeting with videobloggers, blikistes, and all folks coming from the experimental living Web. FlashMeeting could be used with gobby. This page will be linked to our WikiNode based on : http://www.communitywiki.org/odd/F%C3%AAteInternet/WikiNode

    ma: vblog is great, but it's as proprietary as can be. Rather get the wengo-folks to implement push-to-talk and a substructure of rooms and admin rights like on teamspeak. You can work in literary hundreds in different rooms moveing over easily, excluding people (via admin rights), that's important. The other are all limited to five or something.

    xtof: (translating Mattis) vblog c'est génial mais c'est aussi propriétaire que ce ne peut l'être. Nous essaierons à la place de convaincre les types de Wengo d'implémenter une fonction PushToTalk et une sous structure de pièce et des droits administrateurs. Vous pouvez travailler facilement dans des centaines de pièces différences, exclure des gens (via des droits admin), ceci est important. Les autres pièces sont toutes limitées à cinq ou quelque chose comme ça.

    So, dear French folks, we have an experiment going, or let's rather say a pretty fresh idea: It's called ting-radio. A while ago, more than a year, we started on tings. We meet in a program called collab-edtor. It's a text editor. You see as many cursors as people are connected online to the page. Eveybody can write and change the text realtime everywhere. It's wonderful. Moonedit was the program we used first, but as we like open-source more, we swapped to gobby now. They are easy to install. You connect to an adress and you can write immediately with others connected to the same adress. The results of our sessions were soon afterwards exported to wiki, so that a text that only could be edited by a restricted number of participants simultaneuosly turned into a text that now everybody could edit, but only successively.

    Then we started to use VoIP (Internet telephone) simultaneous with the collab-editor sessions. We use a teamspeak, it has a push-to-talk function which is very useful for making silence silence. Text was still dominant, but we talked. Not always. The dominance of spoken language had moved a bit to the background though. Teamspeak is proprietary software. We are a bit sad about that and want to change to free software.

    Then, just some days ago, we discovered, kinda by accident, that we can get our VoIP conversation on a stream of an internet-radio. We are not quite sure what kinds of application for a simultauneous use of wiki<=collab-editor<=VoIP<=radio-stream might develop, but we think there might be many. We would like to experiment with the setting and would love all kind of participation.

    What you need:

    What we could do if you have what you need:

    xtof (translating mattis) : Ainsi chers amis français, nous avons une expérience en cours, ou disons une idée vraiment nouvelle : c'est appelé la ting-radio.
    Il y a un moment, plus d'un an, nous avons démaré les "tings". Nous nous rencontrons dans un programme appelé l'éditeur collaboratif. C'est merveilleux. MoonEdit a été le programme utilisé en premier, mais comme nous aimons l'open source, nous avons switché désormais sur Gobby. Il est plutôt facile à installer à cette heure. Vous vous connectez à une adresse et vous écrivez immédiatement avec les autres qui sont connectés à la même adresse.

    Les résultats de nos sessions ont été après exportés vers wiki, de telle façon qu'un texte qui ne pouvait être modifié simultanément que par un nombre restreint de participants s'est tranformé en un texte que maintenant tout le monde pouvait éditer, mais seulement à tour de rôle.

    Puis nous avons utilisé simulanément la VoIp (le téléphone internet) avec les sessions d'édition collaboratives. Nous utilisons un teampspeak, il a une fonction push-to-talk qui est très utile pour produire du silence. Le texte dominait, mais nous parlions. Pas toujours. La dominance du langage parlé avait migré néanmoins un peu en arrière-plan. TeamSpeak est un logiciel propriétaire. Nous sommes un peu tristes à ce sujet et voulons migrer vers le logiciel libre.

    Puis, il y a seulement quelques jours, nous avons découvert, en quelque sorte par accident, que nous pouvions obtenir notre conversation VoIp sur un flux de radio-internet. Nous ne sommes pas tout à fait certains de quels types d'applications nous pourrions développer pour un usage simultané de wiki<=éditeur-collaboratif<=VoIP<=flux-radio, mais nous aimerions expérimenter les réglages et aimerions tous types de participation.

    Ce dont vous avez besoin :

    Ce que nous pourrions faire si vous aviez ce dont vous avez besoin :

    xtof : MathieuCoste just talked with OlivierZablocki and LoiezDaniel (the boss of Videoforme http://ww2.nat.fr/videoformes/VIDEOFORMES/total_cadres.html - a french film Festival in Clermond Ferrand) we will have a FlashMeeting at the end of the week.

    ma: cool. litle break, I'll insert links in the text above.

    What we need: An internet-radio station. I'll talk to cosmea and took if they have a slot on veedelsradio. But a French station would be lovely too. All they need is to have teamspeak installed on a box connected to the streaming box (or even run it on the same box). We have to get hold of the output of teamspeak and stream it. The whole moderation should be done in teamspeak, so that people could join in and speak simultaneously. Problem is that the radio-output by stream seems to be buffered, latency one minute, which makes it impossible to communicate properly.

    xtof (translating)

    Nous avons besoin d'une station radio-internet. J'en parlerai à cosmea et verrai s'il a un slot de libre sur veedelsradio. Mais une station francophone serait agréable. Tout ce dont ils ont besoin est d'avoir TeamSpeak installé sur une boîte connecté à la boîte de flux (ou même la même boîte). Nous devons trouver la sortie de teamspeak et la mettre en flux. La modération totale devrait être fait dans teamspeak, de façon à ce que les gens puissent se joindre et parler simultanément. Le problème est que la sortie radio par flux semble être "buffered", une latence d'une minute, ce qui rend impossible de communiquer proprement.

    ma: ho hanz :)

    ha: hello

    xtof : hello hanz

    flashmeeting + collab-editor (gobby) seems the short term-solution which provides more of a kick (more sex, if you dunno what a kick is). So we go for that next weekend. But we do not forget that this combination is a dangerous drug. It is - apart from gobby - definetly and ireveribly prorietary software (macromedia flash).

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