The calendar has been created by calendar extension for mediawiki by [,(download)
You can also create the same or other calendars on other wiki pages.
<calendar> name=YourUserName view=year format=%name_%year_%month_%day </calendar>
You can also drop the format line because it defaults to the above, the format influences the name of the wiki pages created for each day, if you use a different name, it will become a prefix in wiki page names, therefore not interfering with other calendars. Test this in preview mode.
Calendar tag options[edit]
<calendar> name=krass view=year </calendar>
The parameters work like this:
can be "week","month","threemonths" and "year" (default).
is a name for the calendar and changes the names of the day pages.
defaults to '%name_%year_%month_%day' and describes the names of the day pages.
formats the titles in today/days/week view
you can specify the date of the calendar, it defaults to today. currently this doesn't work with "view=week"
this takes a php strtotime ( http::// ) option and overrides the "day","month","year" option above. examples are: date="+1 week" date="next monday" date="+7 days"
week starts on 1=monday ... 7=sunday. default is 1
format & formattitle accept these substitutions:
%name %day,%month,%year any php date() substitution prefixed with '%', like '%m','%d','%Y'