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    Revision as of 09:20, 10 September 2006 by imported>mutante (Concord sub-category of networking, pages shouldnt be in category and subcategory at the same time)
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    here is a little script i wrote to change DCI rules foles to csv formated files.

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Getopt::Long;
    Getopt::Long::config qw(no_ignore_case);
    my ( $inputFile, $outputAllFields, $searchKey, $outputFields );
    our @foundSegments;
      $outputFields = 'name,deviceSpeedIn,deviceSpeedOut';
      my $needHelp;
      GetOptions( 	'dciInFile=s' 		=> \$inputFile,
    		'findField=s'		=> \$searchKey,
    		'showFields=s'		=> \$outputFields,
    		'listAllFields'		=> \$outputAllFields,
    		'help|h|H|?|HELP'  	=> \$needHelp
      die usage() if $needHelp;
    # Data collection
    #  using an input file
    #  else quit
    if ($inputFile){  
    } else {
    die usage() 
    # Data output 
    #	if request for keys print all keys
    #	else print results
    if ($outputAllFields) {
      foreach ( @foundSegments ) {
        foreach (keys %$_) {
          print "$_, ";
      print "\n";
    } else {
      foreach my $found (@foundSegments) {
        foreach my $showKey (split /,/, $outputFields) {
          print "$found->{$showKey},";	
      print "\n";
    sub usage {
      return <<USAGETEXT;
    usage: $0 -dciInFile filename  
    	-dciInFile filename  is the dci file you want to scan
    	the following options are also availble
    	[ -findField fieldName ] this is the search key to be used (by default all elements will be returned)
    	[ -showFields field names ] feilds to output (default is name,deviceSpeedIn,deviceSpeedOut)
    	[ -listAllFields ] list avalible fields
    	[ -help] this help text
    sub findVars {
    # find infomation form Concord's dci files
    # usage:
    #  findVars("key to search in","value to search for")
    # output:
    #  an aray of Hashes containing all matched segments and keys
    my ($dciFile, $segmentFieldKey, %segment, $segmentFieldValue, %segmentFields, $nullVar);
    my $inElementSection;
    # read in dci filename from parent
    $dciFile=$_[0] || die qq( FindVars function: Missing dciInfile  value $!);
    chomp $dciFile;
    open(DCIFILE, "<$dciFile") || die "FindVars function: can not open : $!";
    foreach my $line (<DCIFILE>) {
      chomp $line;
      if ( $line =~ /^FN,Elements,/ ) {
        $line =~ s/FN\,Elements\,//g;
        our $i="0";
        foreach (split(/\,/,$line)) {
          $segmentFields{ $i } = $_;
      if ( $line =~ /^DS,,Elements,/ ) {$inElementSection=1; next;} #marks start of elements
      if ( $line =~ /^DE/ ) {$inElementSection=0; next;} #marks end of elements
      if ($inElementSection==1) {
        our $ii="0";
        foreach (split(/\,/,$line)) {
          if ($_ =~ /^$/) {$segment{$segmentFields{$ii}}="void";}
        push @foundSegments,{%segment};
    close DCIFILE;
    return (@foundSegments);      # return to main ruteen

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