< Concord
Solution ID: TS9631 How to list groups and group lists using the nhExportConfig command. Issue: How to list elements in a group using nhExportConfig Issue: How to list groups and group lists using the nhExportConfig command. Issue: How to list groups via DCI Fact: eHealth Fact: DCI/DDI Fix: 1. Log in as the eHealth user 2. If on UNIX, source the appropriate nethealthrc file in the $NH_HOME directory, depending on the shell you are in: % source nethealthrc.csh (if in C shell) $ . ./nethealthrc.sh (if in Bourne shell) $ . ./nethealthrc.ksh (if in Korn shell) 3. Run command: To list the element in a group: nhExportConfig -groupType <groupType> -subjName <groupName> -subjType group -dciOut filename For Groups: nhExportConfig -dciOut <filename> -subjType group -sections Groups For GroupLists: nhExportConfig -dciOut <filename> -subjType groupList -sections GroupLists This will create a DCI file with a listing of elements/groups/group lists under the DS section