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    <blinken delay=0.5 bgcolor="255,255,255" lamponcolor="247,81,229" lampoffcolor="255,255,255" font="8pxStd">first sign of madness: you talk to yourself. second sign of madness: yourself talks back! :D </blinken>
    [[Image:lagger.jpg|thumb|right|hiho.. that pic sucks lol, and im wearing shoes cause my socks are ugly :P]]
    hmm..okay, my life is a bit boring..
    i am 16 years old.. living in [[nordhorn]], north of [[germany]] and next to the [[netherlands]]..well.. nordhorn is very small and there's nothing to do here..
    hobbies: i love playing [[handball]], and that's the only good thing my hometown is good for cause it has three different teams in my age (only 50 000 people are living here so thats pretty much)..ah, and my club is the best because we have a team playing first devision :> .. WE suck, next weekend is the last match and we have won only 2 matches now and one end in a draw, so we have 5 points..but.. we're playing weser-ems league and that's the best in my age..).. i am playing since '95 so i started when i was 7.
    well, and i just started rowing, i think it's funny so i won't stop :)
    hmm, that's all i think. of course i'm going out with friends sometimes, but i hate the disco which is in lingen and that's the only thing they want to do ._. bah..
    === favourite things: ===
    '''food''': pizza and [[http://mattfischer.com/ramen/ chinese instant noodles]] :)
    '''drinks''': [[kölsch]], [http://www.becksbeer.com/ becks] and [http://www.artus-mineralquellen.de/index.php?mode=get_left&menue_id=1&left_id=5&menue_name=RGllIE1hcmtlbg== kicos].. oh, and i love "[http://www.bionade.de/ bionade]" (bio lemonade) but unfortunately the school doesn't sell it anymore, only coke and this crap :/
    '''music''': i still like punk and im listening to it more often again.. and right now i really like irie révoltés, a mixture of reggae and hip hop. although they're from heidelberg, they mostly sing in french (narf, and i have latin at school..)..
    '''music''': [[punk]], for example [[slime]], [[schleimkeim]], [[toxoplasma]], [[ramones]] (as you can see :)) and well.. i think i like everything EXCEPT hip hop, techno and pop..
    '''movie''': [[MoVies/DonnieDarko|donnie darko]], [[23]], requiem for a dream (and i can't wait to buy pi)
    '''movie''': [[MoVies/DonnieDarko|donnie darko]], [[23]], [[requiem for a dream]], [[pi]])
    '''computer game''': call of duty (hah, and i'm always able to persuade my friends to play that instead of delta force)
    '''computer game''': i started playing sim city 4 again..
    '''book''': i'm not reading very much, cause i dont have so much time except in the evenings but then i'm too tired.. but i'm reading a book by [[H P Lovecraft|lovecraft]] atm...
    '''book''': requiem for a dream.. and i definitely HATE moon palace, man, what a junk..
    '''color''': black
    '''color''': hmm..
    kind of '''cigarettes''': hmm, when i have enough money (and im richmhm. atm as i'm trying to help three different guys to learn english) i smoke blackusually deathrolling..
    [[Image:bienennadinenbritta.jpg|thumb|left|bw beachen 05.. obwohl keinen satz gewonnen 19. von 25! ich hab eh nur mitgemacht, um kosten zu bereiten. immerhin. etwas über 50 eur hab ich sie gekostet hah!!]]
    [[Image:dom.jpg|thumb|right|that's a nice photo i took when i was in [[Köln|cologne]] :D i like it!]]
    i don't know what else i could write, i'm not very interesting and i think no one will read this ;)
    Image:Lagger.jpg|ich - in bunt und Farbe! xD
    Image:Ich_und_das_meer.JPG|Me / Ijsselmeer, 2007
    Image:Graffiti_krakau.jpg|Cracow, 2007
    Image:gracht.jpg|Amsterdam, 2007
    Image:wypadki.jpg|Cracow, 2007
    Image:rathausnordhorn.jpg|*premiere* ^^ aber farben sind teilweise zu krass, könnt vllt sonnenuntergang sein oder so ^^ , 2008
    Image:lagger2.jpg|Me / at a friend's home, June 2008
    Image:finley.jpg|My lovely little cat - he's SO cute :)
    <<<< i'm on the right.. hrh..strange pic..
    My cat: [[Finley]]
    lagger-queenie :) [[User:MattisManzel|MattisManzel]] 22:23, 9 May 2005 (CEST)
    ..lol, schon klar. oh, so spät schon! ich muss los... :P --[[User:LaGGeR|LaGGeR]] 20:53, 10 May 2005 (CEST)
    best wishes
    [[User:MattisManzel|MattisManzel]] 10:36, 28 Jul 2005 (CEST): Hey Lagger. Ich probier hier mal mutante's neues Modul aus ;) Jau cool danke :) --[[User:|]] 23:57, 1 Aug 2005 (CEST)
    that picture shows the southpark charakters of two of my best friends - and daniel is a cool guy i know from pre-school.. we've been in the same class for 2 years and he's going to school in lingen, either. that means we're talking very often during the drive and i'm often borrowing his switch when i'm on a lan party .. :D lukas, arno, calli, franci and anne don't have time to have fun with us.. three of them are in berlin this weekend to see Die Toten Hosen and the rest have to prepair for their concert (they are singing..).. and now im going to take a shower because i had training. it rocked, we played volleyball, soccer and finally some drinking games :) see you..
    [[Image:Das besäufnis - die doku.JPG|thumb|center|that's what i'm doing in my free-time..hehe..it does look ridiculous, but i'm sure it will be a great although we didn't get pot..well..i hope i'll get it monday or tuesday..otherwise the next weeks will suck ._. damn!!]]
    that day kicked ass! we started drinking around 3pm, but unfortunately we only had kronsberg and kronsberg alster (it's a cheap beer brewed in lingen.. cheap because it doesnt taste so good..but its okay..) and some kind of wine cocktail. the place was cool, a glass house which is said to be a monument (no one knows why..). it rocks because its on the vechtesee and its really hard to get off again when having drunk.. hehe.. but no one fell into the water.. we drank, filmed and i think i have never sung this much. toxoplasma, schleimkeim, s.i.k. and slime. all the time. it rocked!! i said "arsch" or "arschi" around 500 times that evening, hehe. i also took some photos and jay looks very dumb on every photo hehe.. then we recognized that we could hear the "schürzenjäger".. so we had to sing even louder! it worked.. and i've been to a bar next to it 4 times to go to the toilet hehe.. around 18:00 our fun was destroyed... yannick and daniel just started walking to a supermarket to buy more alcohol when a man appeared who said he was a policeman. i dont know for sure, but yannick's only 15 so we left without a sound. hehe. we drove 200 m to a bridge and sat down there. now a very funny thing happend: daniel said he would go pissing and drove away - and he didnt came back!! he still doesnt know how he arrived at his home..lol.. that place was better because more people were passing.. we were singing all the time, yannick had to vomit and i think i was the only one who continued drinking. those people were so funny, we were shouting and singing all the time and a fisher started waving with his hands ^^. a few hours later a rocker passed, said something i dont remember any more and came back a few minutes later. he wanted to buy a beer, but we thought he was cool enough to get one for free.. and i'm said to be selfish, püh!! we sat there a long time, started to pogo and i hurt myself when i fell off a part of the bridge rofl. finally we went eating and someone said "stop singing britta" - i still dont know who it was o.o .. we were too tired to watch a movie, so we went sleeping immediately. but - like always - i woke up at 6 am. i went downstairs, got something to drink, smoked a cigarette out of my window, drank more and nearly started puking because i have drunk too fast. then i slept till 9 am .. we got up an hour later and watched the film.. had breakfast.. yeah, and then jay left.. yannick and me watched it one more time to find suitable headings (which was pretty hard sometimes because nothing real has happend lol..).. that's all. sounds boring but we had very much fun!! and i think we're going to repeat it!!
    === Online Diary ===
    '''reason:''' well, i want you to know WHO i am and i'm bored at the moment. also i am able to improve my english.. ok, i hope so ^^ .. my life isnt that exciting.. but maybe someone's interested :)
    '''Mon., 6th of June 2005''':
    School wasn't very interesting (how could it be??), but i like mondays because we have art. we had to draw a "gothic forest" or something like that.. and then i recognized that the cologne cathedral is gothic!! so i drew that.. half of it filled with trees and stuff.. everyone says it looks good, even my teacher! when it's a good grade im maybe going to scan it (it is din-a3 so it may be hard..). i also had math assistance today but i understood it so i was allowed to leave earlier. my mother wanted me to buy something at douglas, i had to buy new contactlenses and then i missed my bus. well.. i walked home then and my left foot hurts like hell, i dont know what it is..it started friday but i dont want to make an appointment.. still didnt received the pot cause daniel had his oral examination (he's got a 1!! narf!!). hope i will get it in 2 days - we want to play call of cthulhu saturday evening and smoking something before it could be very cool.. starship ranger is cool, i'm having so many ressources atm :) .. now im sitting on my computer talking to jay, writing this stuff and listening to "der diktator" by schleimkeim. nothing to do - no homeworks! around 750 days left - then im maybe able to move to cologne...
    http://www.beepworld.de/members16/emailnews/english-project.htm << that's a really cool english homework franci has written!! :)
    '''Tues., 7th of June 2005''':
    we had the whole gym in pe today - i wanted to play volleyball but EVERYONE wanted to, so i decided to play soccer. that was the most stupid thing i could to with my foot - but it was really cool and my team won (although they had one more player or sometimes even 2!!).. i started playing on the field (dunno how its called, court??) but im not so good in soccer. maybe i'm better than most of the girls, but i was the only one who wanted to play soccer (they are afraid cause boys can shoot stronger.. i don't care as i'm playing handball..) .. yannick and arno, both playing in a club, made nearly all the goals and i became the keeper. it is easier than handball in some points, so i got lots of the ball. haha, the last shot rocked, i jumped and got it with my stomach ^^. well.. and then we received our biology tests back: 5. i don't care any more, that teacher is really strange (we have him in chemical stuff too and he's very stupid sometimes.. although it is very funny we don't learn much, but the tests...narf..). i missed rowing again, but my foot is getting on my nervs. today i saw that we have a "sports day" at school and there are a few cool things i would like to do: baseball, rowing (well i can do that every tuesday but..hmm, it may be very funny ;)), bowling, diving and surfing. unfortunately there are many reasons why i'm going to play beachvolleyball: no one wants to play baseball, rowing.. i said that already.. bowling is too far away i dont know how to get there.. well.. diving's the same.. and surfing sucks because the "dieksee" is really dirty. 2 weeks ago i went into it only with my feet and when i came out i was bleeding and both legs were burning!!! on the other hand we're going to play beachvolleyball on the next day because it's "wandertag". no one wants to do the cool things so all the bad ones are put together. looks like this: biking tour to the beachvolleyballcourts, after that biking to another place where we can grill and in the evening we have "jahrgangszelten" (camping with every 10th grader..won't be that funny, i hate most of the bastards from the other classes. i really hope i have pot then, because there are several pupils who may envy me >:) haha). btw - the 'dealer' (in fact its only the friend of his friend who's driving to the netherlands.. so it's a long way to me ^^) hasn't answered yet. i have written a sms a few hours ago and he's not online. looks bad, don't think i'm gonna get it. damn!! so i have to wait a month - i really hope i'm able to buy some when im in cologne.
    today i'm wearing my ramones shirt again :) and i noticed that my (faked) chucks are torn on one side.. only a bit and only inside, but my also hurting foot is rubbing on it now.. narf!! they were expensive (ok, in comparison with the original chucks they are cheap.. 25 eur..)
    ..*yawn* it's strange, but i think i don't have any homework - AGAIN!! strange.. must have missed something...aaah! lukas had wisdom teeth and they were taken out - he came to school today and he looks really cute with his hamster-like cheeks >:) rofl.. if i was him, i would stay at home and SLEEP.
    http://www.starshipranger.com << that's a very cool game like dark galaxy but in german. i'm in an alliance some classmates have founded, called "[AoD]", "army of darkness"..you could join :) i think atm they would be grateful for every member we get.. oh, and if not, just mention that you know me >:) .. aah, and it would be cool when you're a Brutaker, cause we need some .. ok!! see you tomorrow..
    one thing i have to add: vorwärts, our "local enemy", hasn't qualified for weser-ems-league. that kicks ass, cause i'm going to be as arrogant as they are - haha!! ;)
    '''Wed., 8th of June 2005:'''
    28 days left, then i'm going to visit cologne again!! can't wait!
    writing an online diary is very helpful, cause now i know which date we have. unfortunately my father has used HIS computer and i'm too lazy to connect my computer again (well it takes hours because there's no space for me.. that means my hands are somewhere under my desk/behind my computer but i'm not ably to see anything...narf, i want to 'move' to my room again!!). today NOTHING happend, in chemical stuff we talked about environmentally friendly houses instead of something chemical. we had to copy 2 sentences - and this took the last 10 mins of the lesson! i really like this teacher because he's always making mistakes (which are very funny and sometimes even dangerous, hehe) but I DON'T LEARN ANYTHING!! you can imagine how terrible it must be when I'M saying that we don't learn enough. after school i went to the "dark side" (well, i'm only saying that to be able to persuade jay to follow me..) - a place every teacher can see, but it doesn't belong to school anymore. that means: i'm smoking and usually earning angry looks, but i don't care. today my science teacher stood there and when i returned he asked weird stuff. he wasn't born in germany, so he does some funny mistakes. i can't explain it in english, narf. well.. i'll try it. of course i grinned, because no one can do anything against it. then he asked whether i had smoked a cigarette or a joint (well it's not funny in english.. at first i thought it was a mistake when he said "did you smoke 'einen'"... but after a while i noticed that he meant what he had said..he wasn't serious, but.. i bet he's gonna ask me to sell something haha ^^).. yesterday i read that this thing is going to be permitted. why the hell aren't we allowed to SMOKE? i'd be old enough to smoke at the school LEGALLY, but now?! goddamn, life's a bitch. they can't stop me. i mean... i HAVE to smoke when it's forbidden, it's like.. being addicted to do things everyone wants you to stop with. i could write about that crap for hours, but i'm bored and since i've been talking about cigarettes i have the feeling that i need one right now!! so.. be right back..
    '''Thurs., 9th of June 2005:'''
    sorry i didn't write anything more yesterday, but i realized that i had lots of things to do (preparing for the english help i'm giving on thursdays and homeworks and so on..). well, it was cool today, cause i'm going to get the pot tomorrow. can't wait!! i hate my school for saying it 2 days before the journey is that THEY OFFER A DAY TRIP TO AMSTERDAM!! i'm really angry now, cause there are only 50 places in the bus. btw i wonder why there are signs with 'amsterdam - xxx' everywhere, what the hell does that mean? that day would have been so great, but i don't have so much money atm and i want to save it for cologne. well, it would be very cheap, only 6 euro, but.. of course i'd like to buy things and this stuff. so i made some new plans for my weekend today as the others don't have time for cthulhu on saturday. i'm going to watch the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy - after having smoked some, hehe :). with jay. they want to play cthulhu on sunday now, but i want to learn for science (i don't understand that crap, thank god there's the internet :)) .. school was boring again, but i have the feeling that i missed some lessons cause i don't remember what we have done in maths or latin. ah right, latin.. i got my vocabulary test back (she: 'i have looked through every test.. except britta's..' narf!) - 4+. yeah :) thats pretty good ^^.. yesterday i was tested at school, 2 pupils have to go to the blackboard and she wants to know 5 vocs.. i had a 4-5, even that's okay (well, only 3.5 mistakes.. from five .. hehe..).. so i felt secure and didnt learn this morning. but she wanted to test me AGAIN! fortunately i was able to persuade her, so arno had to 'bleed' ;). i can't wait for tomorrow, hope it all works. daniel said he left it at school - strange place for storing pot, isnt it?! i dont care as long as i receive it. have a new game on my calculator since monday. it's funny but strange either. my sister's at home again and i think this weekend would be like hell if i stay at home. she's very childish sometimes..hmm.. i'm tired and i dont know what to write. join me in playing starshipranger! ^^ .. hmm, i'm listening to 'kopfschuss' from wizo atm. too bad they stopped. if i was rich i would go to the force attack, but.. as said before, i want to save it. i'm going to buy a new bag from the cologne shop - the same one ph owns :). all my bags suck, cause all of them are broken. narf!! tired.. think i'm gonna smoke one.. no one's at home atm .. so.. see you tomorrow :) .. hmm, when i have enough time. latin help or however it is called, handball training and we're going to eat chinese. mjam :D. so..bye!!
    '''Fri., 10th of June 2005:'''
    i'm really angry now. yesterday i said that i want it today in the morning. but he didnt take it along today. and now he has written a sms .. his mother seems to have found it. goddamn, i hate my life. everything goes wrong and i do have the feeling that i should jump off a high building today instead of going to training. i hate everything and im so fucking angry, if he had just taken it with him this morning.. i want to die. its always the same i really want a thing, nearly have it, but then everythings destroyed. i dont want that crap anymore. nothing will change. i wont be able to move to cologne, i will never find friends like you, i wont get a job. everything's senseless or hopeless. who needs life?
    we had to write a poem in german today. i wrote about cologne, but i think i will change it. i want to write about my death and leave that as the "final note".
    thanks for all, but i cant stand it anymore.
    bisher hat mir der mut gefehlt
    den ersten schritt zu tun
    meinen weg, meinen meinen weg
    meinen weg zu gehn.
    ich konnt mich immer auf euch verlassen
    doch ich blieb stehn
    es tut mir leid ich musste raus
    machts gut auf wiedersehn
    auf wiedersehn
    '''Sat., 11th of June, 2005:'''
    ok, i'm over it. today i watched the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy - veeeeeeeery good film and you HAVE to see it! well im tired now. nothing else happend and im going to read a bit. good night and thanks for all the fish >:)
    '''Sun., 12th of June, 2005:'''
    hey ho, i have finished my poem. it's not that good as i'm not able to speak kölsch correctly, so.. well.. no matter, i'll publish it here ^^. like yesterday i don't have so much time, cause i have to learn for a test we're going to write wednesday, but i have no time during the week!
    well, here it goes :)
    Oh Kölle, grönste Großstadt,
    do künne mer wat erlewe.
    Un wie lang duurt dat,
    bes ich bei dir lewe?
    Oh Kölle, ming Kölle, dat is jot
    ävver ming Visite war vill zu koot!
    Spät in der Nacht, da kamen wir an,
    nicht mal das Licht des Doms war noch an.
    Vorbei am Barbarossaplatz,
    zu überwältigt für jeden Satz.
    Wann werde ich dich wiedersehen, wann?
    Noch nie hab ich mich so wohl gefühlt,
    immer noch sind meine Gedanken zerwühlt.
    Muss immer an diesen einen Tag denken,
    warum nur müssen alle Dinge auf dich lenken?
    Viel Zeit verbrachten wir im Volksgarten,
    auch die Sonne ließ nicht auf sich warten,
    ich kann die Rückkehr kaum erwarten.
    Alles war egal, alles ist egal.
    Einiges wohl auch ein bisschen illegal.
    Legal, illegal,
    alles scheissegal.
    Ich fühlte mich so frei,
    als ob mein Verhalten unwichtig sei.
    Endlich mal kein Außenseiter,
    alles lustig, alles heiter.
    Wann werde ich zurückkehren, wann?
    Wann werde ich wieder bei euch sein?
    Möchte euch sehen, genau wie den Rhein.
    Doch wann, wann kann ich zurückgehen?
    Wann werde ich dich wiedersehen?
    Es ist alles eine Frage der Zeit,
    aber eins ist klar, ich bin allzeit bereit.
    Kölle, Kölle, bald ist es soweit.
    (endlich wieder breit) < hehe, das gehört zur inoffiziellen version ^^
    when there's a mistake please correct it :) thanks!! (like said before, i dont speak kölsch. too bad :()
    '''Wed., 15th of June 2005:'''
    hmm, nothing interesting happend. we wrote a test in physics today - uuuargh!! i was too lazy to learn - and i'm too untidy.. i dont have any sheet of paper we got!! i'm having a bet with yannick, kathrin and maren now. yannick will give us a chupa chups when he's better than 2, kathrin also, and maren gives us that crap when she's worser than 2. well and if i have a 2 or better i will give the lollies to them. hehe. i bet no one's going to get one ^^.
    yesterday i had training and although my left foot is still hurting like hell i went to the gym. that was a veeeeery big mistake! at first we had to run through a small forest next to the gym. my foot hurt so much that i decided to stop running :|. then i realized that there were a mosquito (is it called like that? those small bloodsuckers - i hate them!!) on my left arm. my head moved slowly to the right arm - and there was one of those bastards too!!! today i found out that around 7 of those... narf... have bitten me :(. for example on my back AND I CANT REACH IT!!! ._.
    i earned 16,50 eur today. 10 eur are going straight into my "köln kasse" hehe. unfortunately i am not a good money safer. i already had 50 eur in it - now there is.. nothing.. well i get 10 eur from daniel and i have 25 eur on my bank account or however its called.
    im tired and im not going to learn for english - its the only subject im really good at. pe is also okay - hehe, i had a 1 in basketball *proud* (and i was the only girl in my class with a 1!!). oh! and i forgot to mention that i have a fucking 1-2 in a latin vocabulary test! ME!!! that kicks ass! i think i dont have to repeat the school year. yeah yeah yeah :) that means i am able to move to cologne when im 19. 2 years and ~6 weeks left. im going to survive that. i mean i have lived here for 16 fucking years now. can't wait!!
    im surprised that my german teacher knows "23" and the illuminati. we're reading a book now ("was nützt die liebe in gedanken" bzw "der selbstmörder club") and august diehl is playing one of the main character. :) i think im going to like that book. hmm. i dont know whether i have homeworks or not? hmm.. who cares...
    my left foot really hurts, but i'm too busy to have an appointment. its always the same.. i have to go to 3 different doctors. and the last one is a "sport doctor" or however its called - and he will say that im not allowed to play for a loooooooooong time. when my finger was splitted (hmm dunno whether this is right or not..) i was waiting for those doctors THE WHOLE AFTERNOON! and my mother wanted me to go to the training, believing that im faking. well - the finger was swollen and green and blue, but of course im also able to fake that. she didnt want to bring me to the doctor but finally she felt very sorry when i mentioned that it would have been broken when i had gone to the training. wish i had gone. it would have been only her fault.
    hmm. what did i want to say? ah right! im maybe going to the doctor tomorrow. depends on how it does feel in the morning. *yawn*
    im smoking!
    i wish you a very good night, i think i'm going to read the book.. i wanted to watch that movie BUT THE CINEMA ONLY SHOWED IT ON A MONDAY EVENING! of course no one wanted to come with me.. :( maybe we're going to watch it at school now.
    see you!
    p.s.: im so angry. my WONDERFUL picture i drew in art is only a 2. im really angry, i hate my teacher. she wanted me to do thousand things to make it look even better and i did because i wanted to get a 1. i preferred the first version of it. grrr. who the hell is able to give grades to ART??
    '''Thurs., 16th of June 2005:'''
    hmm, my grandmother has birthday today. maybe i will phone her, don't know yet.
    i have written an english test today, it was a strange test. i didnt have the feeling that i was tested. and my last sentence was "and thanks for all the fish" lol. im sure that my teacher knows the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. everyone does!
    we also had an information today: we are allowed to make groups of 3 - 5 pupils you want to get in the same class with. it's hard, i dont know what to do about it. on the one hand i want to be in the same class as yannick and jay, but that means that i'm maybe not in the same class as lukas, because he wants arno in his group. when we choose arno and lukas to join our group, franci is left. so? what can i do?? i guess it will end like this: i will lose a friend. sounds dumb, but i know it will be like that. had that already. :( why aren't we allowed to stay together with the class we have at the moment?? i hate most of the other 10th graders. especially those bastards from lohne, they are arrogant and rich and they.. well.. i cant describe it, i just hate them. they are dumb, either! just because lukas has hit a 6th grader and is wearing chucks he's in their oppinion a "punk". hmm! he's not - maybe a little bit, but he is more a kind of metalhead or however it is called. we started to play "school wars" in maths because i finished the tasks. it's a scenario for risus - written by franci. looks very cool, i can't describe it in english.
    in music we watched nearly all the movies we have made. the last one rocked, franci played the witch in our "hänsel and gretel advert" and we have some bonus material: franci is rubbing is stomach, grins, then a kind of matrix effect, wuuuuuuuuuush, and finally a "mmmh, delicious!". hehe. well.. i dont know what to write. didnt go to the doctor, no time. i love being busy, cause that means that i dont have to stay at home as long as i used to! :)
    good bye,
    see you tomorrow or saturday or whenever. nothing interesting is happening, season should start soon again. then i could write about all the matches we had won - haha! but we have better chances than last year.
    oh! and now something very special..
    Soundtrack of my life!
    *Deep Purple - Child in Time: listened to that song all the time when i ran away. i love it and i nearly have to cry everytime im listening to it ._.
    *Tears for Fears - Head over heels: that's the song i listened to when we arrived in cologne.. on the one hand it makes me sad because most of the time i'm not in cologne. but on the other hand it makes me happy because it reminds me of the great time i spend their (thanks to mutante and phrack! :))
    *Lagwagon - May 16th: that's the first kind of alternative music i loved. i know it from tony hawks pro skater 2, song 11 or something. thanks to that, because i think without it i wouldn't have got in touch with punk.
    *Schleimkeim - Abfallprodukte der Gesellschaft: remember the drinking day at the vechtesee? we sang that song so often!!
    *In Flames - Dawn of a new day: i used to listen to it when i was reaaaaaaaaally sad - i dont know why, but i remember that i've been sitting in my room for hours listening to in flames. made me feel angry and aggressive.
    thats all for now, but i think it will be continued some day..
    '''Mon., 20th of June:'''
    hiho! yes - i'm still alive! although i'm very stressed at the moment... well, weekend was okay. had a great conversation with lukas via msn / moonedit on friday, visited him next day - to go ice-cream-eating :) .. i love the weather! my cousin and the son of my uncle's girlfriend slept here and i gave my 12 year old cousin my old and too small nofx shirt hehe. he said he liked the songs i have shown him ;) .. on sunday we visited my grandmother who had birthday a week ago. well, and today i planned my weekend: i won't be at home! we're going to have a day at the quendorfer see playing beachvolleyball, swimming in the lake and so on. hehe, and we're going to ride by bike to anne. that will be my friday - we don't have school yeeehaa.. i hope i can stay at annes house till six, because yannick has to work and i'm going to visit him. he has birthday today and he's celebrating on saturday - jay and me are the only persons from my class who are invited :D .. that means drinking, drinking, drinking, pogo, drinking ^^. i hope i'll sleep at yannicks house that night. on the next day i'm driving to anne again because we want to ride to "school" on monday - we don't have school - we are going to visit the gas.. hmm, how is it called? gaskraftwerk.. narf.. i'm too tired ^^.. finally i'm going to be at home on monday. being away at the weekend means that i'm maybe able to take a shower somewhere, because our bathroom is destroyed atm. and my sister's here that weekend, so she can sleep in my room while i'm gone. perfect, hmm?
    hehe, there's another kewl thing which happend today: i bought my latin grammar and my book for chemical stuff i need next school year on ebay - for 1 eur each!! :)
    ok, im off.
    veeeeeeeeery tired.
    and this week i'm going to earn very much money - round 30 eur!
    oh! and yannick made the suggestion that we could go to the force attack festival at the end of july or something like that, i'm not sure atm. also my parents are maybe going to permit the visit of the polish festival. that would be so cool! i wouldn't be at home on my birthday, and well we want to stay a day in berlin either. :D ..i think our festival summer could be VERY expensive .. but my parents should buy me the force attack ticket, that would be a cool present. and the old army jacket from my father, but my mom thinks it's "too old" - wtf?! there are people who can't buy warm clothes but i'm not allowed to wear that nice jacket?! that sucks!
    night! ;)

    Latest revision as of 10:23, 21 March 2009

    <blinken delay=0.5 bgcolor="255,255,255" lamponcolor="247,81,229" lampoffcolor="255,255,255" font="8pxStd">first sign of madness: you talk to yourself. second sign of madness: yourself talks back! :D </blinken>

    favourite things:[edit]

    food: pizza and chinese instant noodles :)

    drinks: kölsch, becks and kicos.. oh, and i love "bionade" (bio lemonade) but unfortunately the school doesn't sell it anymore, only coke and this crap :/

    music: i still like punk and im listening to it more often again.. and right now i really like irie révoltés, a mixture of reggae and hip hop. although they're from heidelberg, they mostly sing in french (narf, and i have latin at school..)..

    movie: donnie darko, 23, requiem for a dream, pi)

    computer game: i started playing sim city 4 again..

    book: requiem for a dream.. and i definitely HATE moon palace, man, what a junk.. color: hmm..

    kind of cigarettes: mhm. atm i'm usually rolling..



    My cat: Finley

    MattisManzel 10:36, 28 Jul 2005 (CEST): Hey Lagger. Ich probier hier mal mutante's neues Modul aus ;) Jau cool danke :) -- 23:57, 1 Aug 2005 (CEST)


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