An example of inserting the template with (numbered) variable values[edit]
{{Copyright Permission Request Form Letter|recipient name|recipient email|your name|your homepage}}
{{Copyright Permission Request Form Letter|Bill Gates|[email protected]|Pope Benedict|}}
The Copyright Permission Request Form Letter[edit]
To:Bill Gates
Email:[email protected]
Dear Bill Gates,
I, Pope Benedict, request your permission to reprint the following items (described below) on my Web I intend to use the copy(s) for the following:
__ Personal use
__ Research
__ Commercial use
__ Reporting __ Criticism or Review
__ Education
Item(s) to be Copied:
Title:____Title of Article or Image____
URL:____URL of Article or Image____
Describe how the copies will be used:
If you do not control the copyright on all of the above mentioned material, I would appreciate any contact information you can give me regarding the proper rights holder(s), including current address(es).
Pope Benedict
Requestor Information:
Name:____Your Full Name____
URL:____Your Web Page URL____
Email Address:____Your Email Address____
Date:____Today's Date____