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    This word, even though spelled the same, means something completely different in english and german.


    n. Slang

    A clumsy or stupid person; an oaf. 


    2. schmuck

    1. That portion of one's penis which is cut off during circumcision,a Yiddish term (an accent of the german language used by jewish people)
    2. german word for "adornment" or "jewelry"
    3. metaphorical meaning: a prick, an asshole, etc


    German / Deutsch[edit]

    The english meaning translated to german:


       Mistkerl {m}
       Fiesling {m}
       Arschloch {n}

    schmuck [sl.]

       Depp {m}
       Trottel {m}


    German Meaning: jewelry

    Deutsche Herkunft:

    Niederdeutscher Übername zu mnd. smuk >geschmeidig, biegsam; schmuck, schön, zierlich<

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