An extension for discordians. Use <fnord></fnord> to produce random fnord definitions. You need to create your personal fnord table before ,like here.
<?php # Fnord Mediawiki extension # display random fnord definitions in wiki pages using a <fnord> tag # inside a {{Template:Fnord}} # input can be used for LIMITing the mysql random select (later) # by mutante 17.04.2005 $wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfFnordExtension"; function wfFnordExtension() { global $wgParser; $wgParser->setHook( "fnord", "renderFnord" ); } function renderFnord( $input ) { $input = mysql_escape_string($input); # check if input is integer else set to 1 if (is_int($input)){ $limit = $input; } else { $limit = 1; } $hd = mysql_connect("localhost", "wikiuser", "PASSWORD") or die ("Unable to connect"); mysql_select_db ("wikidb", $hd) or die ("Unable to select database"); $res = mysql_query("SELECT * from fnord ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 0,$limit", $hd) or die ("Unable to run query"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $id = $row["id"]; $fnord = $row["text"]; } $output = " $fnord ((K)fnord_id #$id))"; return $output; } ?>
put this into /var/www/wiki/extensions/ as FnordExtension.php
read more on Template_talk:Fnord