More like the K-G-used-to-B (or not)
- (Punk Rock from .de)
- (IT Security Specialists)
- (Kampagne für gutes Bier) ((K|Campaign for Good Beer)
and finally among others Kreisgymnasium Bargteheide ;)
Suppliers of Club Mate[edit]
Kohlen Gips Bier Vertriebs GmbH Krossener Straße 23 D - 10245 Berlin Tel./Fax +49 30-2945474
KGB Kollektive Getränke Basis Im Kampf gegen den Durst Sielwall 33 D - 28203 Bremen Tel. 0421-7940565 Fax. 0421-7940566 E-Mail: [email protected]
Oh, did you expect KGB to mean something different? This?
Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (or KGB) (English: Committee for State Security)
Also see CIA