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    HowTo/Create Your Own DynDNS service

    Index.py (Python-script) behind htaccess gets the IP from client via http and writes to /var/lib/noip/noip.log

    Get client IP[edit]


    import os
    # Required header that tells the browser how to render the text.
    print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"
    env = os.environ
    outline = "S23-dyndns service \nupdated \n%s.aus.fnordanien.com should resolve to %s within a minute" % (env["REMOTE_USER"], env["REMOTE_ADDR"])
    print outline
    handle = open("/var/lib/noip/noip.log", "a")
    line = env["REMOTE_USER"]+" "+env["REMOTE_ADDR"]+"\n"

    OR you can use a PHP script like this or any other cgi script:


    <title>S23 No-IP Service</title>
    $logfile = '/var/lib/noip/noip.log';
    echo "Hello $REMOTE_USER!<br /><br /> I will bind $REMOTE_USER.aus.fnordanien.com to $REMOTE_ADDR<br /><br />";
    echo "Is that your correct IP? Then you are done already.<br /><br />If not, update manually: <br />
    <form action=\"index.php\" method=\"POST\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"IP\" size=\"16\" />";
    echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" /></form><br /><br />";
    if ($_POST["IP"]) {
    $fp = fopen($logfile, "a");
    $string = "$REMOTE_USER $IP\n";
    echo "<br />Ok, writing your manual input $IP instead. Thank you. Please close the page.";
    $write = fputs($fp, $string);
    $fp = fopen($logfile, "a");
    $string = "$REMOTE_USER $REMOTE_ADDR\n";
    $write = fputs($fp, $string);

    Once you have the client IP this or that way:

    Update Bind[edit]

    update_dns.pl (Perl) script (cron'ed) updates bind.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    # Seti23 DNS Update script aus.fnordanien.com
    # Author: seti23 d4 cr3w
    my $noip_www_file = "/var/lib/noip/noip.log";
    my $nsupdatetmpfile = "/tmp/nsupdate.txt";
    my $private_key = "/etc/bind/fnord.private";
    # Programm start
    # setup a pid file...
    my $pid_file = "/var/run/update_dns.pid";
    # Make sure we're not already running...
    if (-f $pid_file) {
      open (PID, "<$pid_file") or die("$0: Cannot open \"$pid_file\" :$!~\n");
      while (<PID>){
        ($session_id) = split (/\n/);
        print "update_dns.pl appears to be already running --> PID $session_id\n";
        print "If you're sure update_dns.pl is not running, whack (rm) $pid_file and try again\n";
      close PID;
    # Write a pid file if we're not already running...
    else {
      open (PID, ">$pid_file") or die("$0: Cannot open \"$pid_file\" :$!~\n");
      $session_id = $$;
      select PID;
      print "$session_id\n";
      select STDOUT;
      close PID;
    if (!open (NOIPLOG, "<$noip_www_file")) { unlink($pid_file); exit(0); }
    open (NSUPDATETMP, ">$nsupdatetmpfile") or die("nsupdatetmpfile \"$nsupdatetmpfile\" could not be opened");
    select NSUPDATETMP;
    print "server s23.org\nzone aus.fnordanien.com\n";
    while(<NOIPLOG>) {
      ($user, $ip) = split(/\s+/);
      print "update delete $user.aus.fnordanien.com. A\n";
      print "update add $user.aus.fnordanien.com. 1 A $ip\n";
    print "send\n";
    close NOIPLOG;
    close NSUPDATETMP;
    select STDOUT;
    system("/usr/bin/nsupdate -k $private_key < $nsupdatetmpfile");
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