Hello! dfbgckd interesting dfbgckd site! I'm really like it! Very, very dfbgckd good!
Very nice site!
Hello! eabecdk interesting eabecdk site! I'm really like it! Very, very eabecdk good!
- external link = blue (Wikipedia:Sandbox)
- external: http://seti23.org = http://seti23.org
- external: [http://seti23.org] = [1]
- external labeled: [http://seti23.org seti23] = seti23
- internal link = green (Sandbox)
Notice that external links have only one bracket, while wiki links have double brackets.
- broken* link = red (A fake sandbox) ( or a 'wanted link'; It means YOU should create it ;) )
- interwiki: [[Wikipedia:Fnord]] = Wikipedia:Fnord
- interwiki labeled: [[Wikipedia:Fnord|touch me]] = touch me
Interwiki linking includes search engine links like [[Google:Fnord]] = Google:Fnord and you can use every other alias you find in the Intermap.
internal linking to an anchor[edit]
external linking with square-brackets in url[edit]
If an [ or ] appears in external URLs you need to escape it using %5B for [ and %5D for ] to make the link work properly. see URL Escape Codes
#REDIRECT [[Querfälltein]]
see also S23_Wiki_Tips#Wiki_Organization_Tips
Math / Tex[edit]
see http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Formula
U may use ordinary html code or this:
{| |cell1, row1 |cell2, row1 |---- |cell1, row2 |cell2, row2 |}
will look like
cell1, row1 | cell2, row1 |
cell1, row2 | cell2, row2 |
U may also use ! instead of | to creat a title.
There are a lot of other options. --> Somebody: Pls explain all ot them here or give a link
This link isn't that great http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_to_use_tables
http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Table is better
Example of a complex table in wikisyntax
U may also use this VBA-Macro for converting excel-tables to wikicode. This Macro converts any selected range of cells into a wiki-text, that are copied via the clipboard into the wiki-editor. Maybe usefull
Learn first[edit]
- Learn what the hell a Wiki really is @ usemod-wiki: what is a wiki
- check http://wiki.blinkenarea.org/bin/view/TWiki/GoodStyle (wich is a TWiki, no MediaWiki...)
- Learn how to edit a Wiki page from Tutorial
- or if you have ADD or are impatient try the s23 quick and dirty wiki-tutorial for the impatient
- Learn some Tips & Tricks from S23 Wiki Tips
- Wiki Shortcuts