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    Revision as of 09:19, 10 September 2006 by imported>mutante
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    this is a ruff Perl script for "auto discovering" Cisco routers in a ATM network. it has basic support for one wan port and a number of ATM PVS for which it sets groop, main name, alias name, and speed.

    i need to clean this up a bit i have an extra cli varible thats not needed (or should be but =)

    NOTE: you will have to be the network health user to use this script, and you will ahve to have "run" the relavent nethealth rc file ie `/$NH_HOME/nethealthrc.ksh`

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    # main discover 
    # Parameters : 
    #		autoDiscover.pl discover.csv "Service"
    #		csv file must be in the correct format ie:- (with as many PVC's as needed)
    #	IPAddress,String,SiteName,Group,WanAliasName,WanSpeed:NumberOfPVCs:DLCI1,Alias1,Name1,Speed1;DLCI2,Alias2,Name2,Speed2;
    # ver0.1.2 04/03/2004:	Removed ( -nmsSource \"NH:Discover\") from the nhAutoDiscover command
    my ($dataFileName)=$ARGV[0] || die "Missing Args Should be: autoDiscover.pl discover.csv \"Service\"  $!";  	# get file name of discover file
    my ($SdtArfName)=$ARGV[1] || die "Missing Args Should be: autoDiscover.pl discover.csv \"Service\"  $!";	# get  std rule name
    open DFILE, "$dataFileName"  # open datafile and read in  or die
    	or die "no file specified command format is \"autoDiscover FILE-NAME Server \" $!";
    my (@dataFile) = <DFILE>;
    close DFILE;
    foreach my $site (@dataFile) {  # loop  for each line/site in dataFile
    	chomp $site ;
    	my ($siteIP,$siteString)=makeArf("$site","$SdtArfName"); # make ARF file then return IP and Cominity String
    	print " Discovering $siteIP with $siteString \n ";
    	`nhAutoDiscover -l \"$siteIP\" -c \"$siteString\" -mode \"lanwan,router\" -dciRule \"tmp/$siteIP.arf\" > tmp\/$siteIP.Results.temp`; # this is the command used to do the discover
    	checkResults("$siteIP");	# run the results sub
    sub checkResults {
    # Function Check Discover Results
    # Parameters :
    #		Ip Address of site to be found : x.x.x.x
    #		Poller Cfg file : this is the data file 
    #			should be in the $NH_HOME/poller dir
    # Returns :
    # Ver0.1.2 04/03/2004:	clear out the $segmentFields vars at start of loop ( to stop KeyValue passing on to next segment )
    #			put Speach marks around $siteIPAdd (next unless /\"$siteIPAdd\"/;) as it was finging extra segments ie not just .5 but .51
    my $NH_HOME= "/nethealth1/poller/";  # point to the poller CFG file NOTE replace this with ENV[NH_HOME]  
    my($segmentFieldKey, $segmentFieldValue, %segmentFields, $nullVar);
    my($siteIPAdd)=$_[0];  # read in  IP  from parent NOTE make a check for this
    local $/ = "}\n"; 			# set delimiter
    open(DISCOVERLOG, ">>tmp/discover.log.temp") || die "can not open : $!";
    open(POLLER, "$NH_HOME/poller.cfg") || die "can not open : $!";
    while(<POLLER>) {
    ($segmentFields{segment}, $segmentFields{deviceSpeed2}, $segmentFields{sysName}, $segmentFields{aliasName}, $segmentFields{mibTranslationFile})=("","","","","");
      next unless /\s+segment/;
      next unless /\"$siteIPAdd\"/;
     	foreach (split(/\n/)) {
    		$segmentFields { $segmentFieldKey } = $segmentFieldValue ; 
    print DISCOVERLOG "$segmentFields{segment}, $segmentFields{deviceSpeed2}, $segmentFields{sysName}, $segmentFields{aliasName}, $segmentFields{mibTranslationFile}\n" ; 
    close POLLER;
    close DISCOVERLOG;
    sub makeArf {
    # Start of sub that makes arf files
    # this function creates a arf rule file from input Data
    # Version 0.1 6/11/03 original
    # 0.2 21/11/03 tryed to convert to sub
    # 0.3 42/11/03 finished converting to sub
    # 0.4 12/03 worked on results sub
    # 0.5 20/1/2004 tweeked rule order 
    my ($csvData)="$_[0]";
    my ($siteLink,$siteNoOfPVCs,$siteAllPVCs)=split(/:/,$csvData,3); #split up main / pvc info
    my ($siteIP,$siteString,$siteName,$siteGroup,$siteCCTReff,$siteACRate)=split(/,/,$siteLink,6); #split up main info
    my @sitePVCs = split(/;/,$siteAllPVCs,$siteNoOfPVCs);
    my $siteARFFILE = "$siteIP.arf";
    open ARFFILE, ">tmp/$siteARFFILE" 
    	or die "can not open '$siteARFFILE': $!";
    # print header
    print ARFFILE <<EOF;
    # Discover Rule auto genarated by autoDiscover.pl
    # IP:  $siteIP 
    # SiteName: $siteName 
    # Companny: $siteGroup 
    # Energis CCT Reff: $siteCCTReff
    ###################################################################### \n
    # open standard file and print 
    my ($standardFile)="standard.$_[1].txt";
    open IN, "$standardFile" # open file with standard bits
    	or die "can not open standard arf rules file: $! ";
    my @standardRules = <IN>;
    close IN;
    print ARFFILE "@standardRules\n"; #print standard bits
    # print -BRI rule
    print ARFFILE <<EOF;
    name matches  ".*-BRI.*": {
        exclude () ;
    # print -BVI rule
    print ARFFILE <<EOF;
    name matches  ".*-BVI.*": {
        exclude () ;
    # print -Dialer rule
    print ARFFILE <<EOF;
    name matches  ".*-Dialer.*": {
        exclude () ;
    # print -PPP rule
    print ARFFILE <<EOF;
    ifType matches "ppp": {
        exclude () ;
    # print -Cpu- rule
    print ARFFILE <<EOF;
    name matches  ".*-Cpu-.*": {
    	setName ("$siteName-cpu");
    	setGroup ("$siteGroup");
        setAlias ("\$1-\$2") ;
    # print Ethernet rule
    print ARFFILE <<EOF;
    name matches  ".*Ethernet.*":
        setName ("$siteName-lan\$2") ;
        setGroup ("$siteGroup") ;
        setAlias ("\$1Lan\$2") ;
    foreach my $PVC (@sitePVCs){ # loop for each PVC
    	my ($PVCdlci,$PCVreff,$PVCname,$PVCcir)=split(/,/,$PVC,4); # split out pvc info
    # print PVC rules
    print ARFFILE <<EOF;
    name matches  ".*-Serial.*-dlci-$PVCdlci": {
    	setName ("$siteName-$PVCname") ;
    	setGroup ("$siteGroup") ;
    	setAlias ("\$1-S\$2-$PCVreff") ;
    	setSpeedIn ("$PVCcir") ;
    	setSpeedOut ("$PVCcir") ;
    	setDeviceSpeedIn ("$PVCcir") ;
    	setDeviceSpeedOut ("$PVCcir") ;
    # print dlci drop out rule
    print ARFFILE <<EOF;
    name matches  ".*-dlci-.*":
        exclude () ;
    # print -Serial*:* rule
    print ARFFILE <<EOF;
    name matches  ".*-Serial.*:.*":{
    	setName ("$siteName-wan\$2:\$3") ;
    	setGroup ("$siteGroup") ;
    	setAlias ("\$1-s\$2:\$3-$siteCCTReff") ;
    	setSpeedIn ("$siteACRate") ;
    	setSpeedOut ("$siteACRate") ;
    	setDeviceSpeedIn ("$siteACRate") ;
    	setDeviceSpeedOut ("$siteACRate") ;
    # print -Serial rule
    print ARFFILE <<EOF;
    name matches  ".*-Serial.*":{
    	setName ("$siteName-wan\$2") ;
    	setGroup ("$siteGroup") ;
    	setAlias ("\$1-S\$2-$siteCCTReff") ;
    	setSpeedIn ("$siteACRate") ;
    	setSpeedOut ("$siteACRate") ;
    	setDeviceSpeedIn ("$siteACRate") ;
    	setDeviceSpeedOut ("$siteACRate") ;
    # print -RH rule
    print ARFFILE <<EOF;
    name matches  ".*-RH\$": {
    	setName ("$siteName-rh") ;
    	setGroup ("$siteGroup") ;
        	setAlias ("\$1-rh") ;
    # print drop out rule
    print ARFFILE <<EOF;
    name matches  ".*":
        exclude () ;
    # print footer rule
    print ARFFILE <<EOF;
    # End of Discover Rule 
    	or die("can not close '$siteARFFILE': $!");
    return ($siteIP,$siteString);      # return the IP and comunity string to main ruteen
    };  #end of makeArf Sub

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