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    == Antisect ==
    === Google ===
    incith-google.tcl - performs various methods of Google searches
    # Basic usage guide: #
    # .chanset #channel +google #
    # !google <define:|spell:> <search terms> <1+1> <1 cm in ft> <patent ##> #
    # <weather city|zip> <??? airport> <city,state/zip> #
    # !images <search terms> #
    # !groups <search terms> #
    # !local <what> near <where> #
    # !print <search terms> #
    # !video <search terms> #
    # !fight <word(s) one> vs <word(s) two>
    === Seen ===
    Bass's Seen script. v1.4.2c - find users and their last line
    #Input is accepted from:
    # pub: !seen <query> [#chan]
    # msg: seen <query> [#chan]
    # and dcc: .seen <query> [#chan]
    #Queries can be in the following formats (public examples given):
    # 'regular' !seen lamer; !seen lamest | SmartSearch-enabled query
    # 'limited' !seennick lamer | SmartSearch-bypassed query
    # 'masked' !seen *l?mer*; !seen *.lame.com; !seen *.edu #mychan
    #Bonus feature: !lastspoke <nick>
    # You can use wildcard matching for <nick>. The results for the
    # first match are returned.
    === Misc ===
    .quote - Display a random discordian quote.
    ==== S23-Wiki ====
    .rc - Display last 5 changes from S23-Wiki [[Special:Recentchanges|RC]]
    .teach <page> -Teach padma (infobot) about <page> on S23-Wiki
    .stats - Display S23-Wiki statistics
    .sysops - Show the S23-Wiki sysops
    .popular - Show the 5 most popular pages on S23-Wiki
    .title <string> - SEARCHes for a string in page TITLE (Alias .find)
    .content <string> - SEARCHes for a string in the page CONTENT (Alias .full)
    .display <page> - SHOWs the CONTENT of a wiki page (currently first 180 chars)
    !wp <lang> <page>
    examples: !wp de SeitenName , !wp en PageName , !wp de Albert_Einstein , !wp ksh Kölle
    !wk <lang> <page>
    examples: !wk en Milchmixgetränk , !wk de Brasilianischer_Mandelegerling, !wk
    Both,!wk and !wp, output in a way that also teaches padma.
    forward and reverse
    MD5 hashes forward and reverse. Either use !md5 -f <cleartext> OR !md5 -r <md5hash>
    Your reg. info with Privit Msg -> /msg GanjaCat !info <your_email>
    examples: !md5 -f ficken , !md5 -r d01eb4a2e7f26dc0f6f7e068517a09e6
    Your reg. info with Public -> !info <your_email>
    Your full info with Privt Msg -> /msg GanjaCat !full <your_email>
    Your full info with Public -> !full <your_email>
    padma, what is phpmyadmin?
    padma, tell me about Debian
    padma, tell UserX about Foobar
    Gettting team stats when you have a default team -> !team
    padma, Blargh is Something cool
    Gettting team info on any team -> !teamsearch <the other team>
    padma, Blargh is also something even better
    padma, foobar is at http://foobar.org
    padma, forget foobar
    padma, convert 3 feet to m
    padma, convert 1 lightyears to kilometers
    padma, convert 23 ounce to grams
    padma, was steht im stern is Im Stern steht: <rss="http://www.stern.de/standard/rss.php?channel=all"> ,$who.
    padma, heise is Jo,$who Heise sagt heute: <rss="http://www.heise.de/newsticker/heise.rdf">
    (now possible with LWP::UserAgent, XML::RSS, and HTTP::Request and apt-get install libxml-parser-perl)
    Dictionary stuff
    also see: [[Infobot]]
    !learn <word> <def>: Add a word.
    !insert <word> <id> <def>
    ?? <keyword> : Get a word.
    !forget <keyword> <id> : delete explanation id from keyword.
    status? : Shows basic status (lines and definitions)
    !search <text> : Allows to search for a keyword (like !search *moo* will find anything containing moo, works like string match.
    ?? help : Shows help info.
    ?? can be called with a argument.
    ?? -i keyword makes the bot add whom wrote it and when to the text.
    ?? -t nick keyword makes the bot send utput to <nick> instead (Can be a channel too).
    !delword keyword 0 deletes all entries with that keyword.
    Hint : !search * gives a list of all words in the database.
    All functions can be used from /msg too.
    Newsfeed Stuff
    !newshelp -showing you all possible news sources
    !news <source> - to get rss newsfeeds , either an alias seen in !newshelp, or a whole URL ending in .rdf
    Wiki Stuff
    !wiki <keyword> - Search the s23-wiki for a keyword (outdated, was for [[UseMod]])
    For wiki related triggers on <nowiki>#wiki</nowiki> ([[Efnet]]), [[Efnet#.23wiki_on_Efnet|look here now]]
    Looking for users
    !seen (the well known seen function)
    !lastspoke (last sentence a user said)
    Searching google
    !google <keyword> (what would it be?)
    !googlescore <domainname> (shows the google score of a site)
    Taking part in SETI23 news
    .getnews (get the news from seti23.org startpage)
    .sendnews <text> (send news to the seti23.org startpage)
    !url http://some.url description (stores a url)
    !surl description (search links with this description, * works)
    !gf or !googlefight word1 word2 OR "phrase 1" "phrase 2" (fight with words! look @ http://wwwgooglefight.com )
    !quote (get a quote)
    and other anoying things like !law !dubya !fnord
    [[RaumZeit]] :: [[DrFalken]] :: [[HungMung]] :: [[BotCommands]] :: [[BotNet]] :: [[EggConf]] :: [[Eggdrop]] ::

    Revision as of 18:27, 19 May 2007



    incith-google.tcl - performs various methods of Google searches

    # Basic usage guide:                                                          #
    #   .chanset #channel +google                                                 #
    #   !google <define:|spell:> <search terms> <1+1> <1 cm in ft> <patent ##>    #
    #      <weather city|zip> <??? airport> <city,state/zip>                      #
    #   !images <search terms>                                                    #
    #   !groups <search terms>                                                    #
    #   !local <what> near <where>                                                #
    #   !print <search terms>                                                     #
    #   !video <search terms>                                                     #
    #   !fight <word(s) one> vs <word(s) two>


    Bass's Seen script. v1.4.2c - find users and their last line

    #Input is accepted from:
    #       pub:  !seen <query> [#chan]
    #       msg:  seen <query> [#chan]
    #   and dcc:  .seen <query> [#chan]
    #Queries can be in the following formats (public examples given):
    #    'regular' !seen lamer; !seen lamest                        | SmartSearch-enabled query
    #    'limited' !seennick lamer                          | SmartSearch-bypassed query
    #    'masked'  !seen *l?mer*; !seen *.lame.com; !seen *.edu #mychan
    #Bonus feature:  !lastspoke <nick>
    #    You can use wildcard matching for <nick>.  The results for the
    #    first match are returned.


    .quote - Display a random discordian quote.


    .rc - Display last 5 changes from S23-Wiki RC
    .teach <page> -Teach padma (infobot) about <page> on S23-Wiki
    .stats - Display S23-Wiki statistics
    .sysops - Show the S23-Wiki sysops
    .popular - Show the 5 most popular pages on S23-Wiki
    .title <string> - SEARCHes for a string in page TITLE (Alias .find)
    .content <string> - SEARCHes for a string in the page CONTENT (Alias .full)
    .display <page> - SHOWs the CONTENT of a wiki page (currently first 180 chars)



    !wp <lang> <page>
    examples: !wp de SeitenName , !wp en PageName , !wp de Albert_Einstein , !wp ksh Kölle


    !wk <lang> <page>
    examples: !wk en Milchmixgetränk , !wk de Brasilianischer_Mandelegerling, !wk 

    Both,!wk and !wp, output in a way that also teaches padma.


    forward and reverse

    MD5 hashes forward and reverse. Either use !md5 -f <cleartext> OR !md5 -r <md5hash>
    examples: !md5 -f ficken , !md5 -r d01eb4a2e7f26dc0f6f7e068517a09e6



    padma, what is phpmyadmin?
    padma, tell me about Debian
    padma, tell UserX about Foobar


    padma, Blargh is Something cool
    padma, Blargh is also something even better
    padma, foobar is at http://foobar.org
    padma, forget foobar


    padma, convert 3 feet to m
    padma, convert 1 lightyears to kilometers
    padma, convert 23 ounce to grams


    padma, was steht im stern is Im Stern steht: <rss="http://www.stern.de/standard/rss.php?channel=all"> ,$who. padma, heise is Jo,$who Heise sagt heute: <rss="http://www.heise.de/newsticker/heise.rdf">

    (now possible with LWP::UserAgent, XML::RSS, and HTTP::Request and apt-get install libxml-parser-perl)

    also see: Infobot

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    Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.