Windows Power Shell is the coming replacement for the (good?) old cmd.exe. It works object-oriented and supports pipes
get-alias (show (predefined) aliases)
get-command (show all available "commandlets")
get-help commandletname (get help about a commandlet) get-help get (list all commandlets that contain the verb "get")
get-psdrive (show drives, environment variables, registry and aliases)
commandline registry[edit]
WPS makes no difference between regular files ,the registry or aliase as in:
cd hklm:\software (change "directory" to the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software) dir (list the subkeys) md fnord (create new subkey fnord) new-item .name "Foo" - value "Bar" - type string (put the value Bar into the key)
3 ways to kill all IE processes using (object oriented) pipelines[edit]
get-process | where object { $ -eq "iexplore" } | foreach-object { $_.kill() }
ps | ? { $ -eq "iexplore" } | % { $_.kill() }
even shorter:
ps -p "iexplore" | % {$_.kill() }
Download Windows Power Shell RC 1
(Downloads need Microsoft-Passport ;P)
Weiterführend: iX-Magazin August 2006 S. 139)