< TingWiki
Welcome to the ting-wiki. We prepare and handle the results of tings - gatherings on moon-edit and skype here
starting points:
- front-page
- recent changes
- forum - ideas, hello's, news, questions etc.
wiki-nodes of our neighbors
- teach-me-wiki: wiki-node
- int-comm-wiki: wiki-node
- one-big-soup-wiki: wiki-node
- s-23-wiki: wiki-node
- [feed], the wiki-hive ting-wiki sits on
- wiki-woodstock: wiki-node
- [feed], three days of love and wiki. The geeks' repetitive online-happening for everybody
the ting-wiki on wiki-centers
real-time communication
- moon-edit, sever: is-root.de, pages: ting_talk, ting_document
- irc, server: freenode, channel: #ting
neighbors (still) lacking a wiki-node