Maybe Logic is a feature-length documentary about the universe of Robert Anton Wilson featuring video of Bob spanning over 25 years & interludes w/ RU Sirius, Paul Krassner, Tom Robbins, Rev. Ivan Stang & Douglas Rushkoff.
the soundtrack includes music from Boards of Canada, Animals On Wheels, Tarentel, Funki Porcini, The Supplicants, Pullman, Matt Elliott, The Cinematic Orchestra, Ognen Spiroski and Amon Tobin.
also see: RobertAntonWilson , MaybeLogicAcademy, MaybeLogicQuarterly
backlinks: FilmeWoGutSind
External links:
- Interview with Founder of the Maybe Logic Academy (
- Bogus Magus
- 2007-12-08 Only Maybe: A Wicked Wiki in the future (links to us;)