(Redirected from GooglIsm)
You can use [[Googlism:text]] to do a Googlism:googlism
also i found this googlism.pl its a Perl proggi for getting goolism's found here
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use HTML::Entities; if( @ARGV < 1 ) { die "Insufficient arguments."; } my $term = $ARGV[ 0 ]; $term =~ m/^(.+?)[ ?!.]*$/; $term = $1; $term =~ s/[^wds]//g; $term =~ s/s+/+/g; my $term2 = $term; $term2 =~ s/+/ /g; my $command = "curl -m 60 -s "http://www.googlism.com/index.htm?ism=" . $term . "" | egrep -o "" . $term2 . " is .+<br>" > googlism.out"; `$command`; open( FIN, "<", "googlism.out" ); my $num = 0; my @results; while( my $line = <FIN> ) { $results[ $num ] = $line; $num++; } close( FIN ); if( $num > 0 ) { my $result = $results[ int( rand( $num ) ) ]; $result =~ s/<br>//; print( decode_entities( $result ) ); } else { print( "No results for $term. " ); }
and a nice Python googlism script here
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Python and command line access to the wisdom of googlism.com. """ import getopt import urllib import sys __program__ = 'googlism' __version__ = '1.0' __url__ = 'http://www.alcyone.com/software/googlism/' __author__ = 'Erik Max Francis <[email protected]>' __copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2004 Erik Max Francis' __license__ = 'GPL' AGENT = 'googlism.py/%s' % __version__ class Opener(urllib.FancyURLopener): version = AGENT def __init__(self, *args): urllib.FancyURLopener.__init__(self, *args) class Googlism(object): TYPES = {'who': '1', 'what': '2', 'where': '3', 'when': '4'} DEFAULT_BASE_URL = 'http://www.googlism.com/index.htm' DEFAULT_TYPE = 'who' def __init__(self, baseUrl=DEFAULT_BASE_URL): self.baseUrl = baseUrl self.opener = Opener() def go(self, query, type=DEFAULT_TYPE): url = '%s?ism=%s&type=%s' % (self.baseUrl, urllib.quote(query), Googlism.TYPES[type]) theFile = self.opener.open(url) content = theFile.read() theFile.close() if content.find("doesn't know enough about") >= 0: return [] start = content.find('Googlism for:') current = content.find('<br>', start) result = [] while True: next = content.find('<br>', current) if next < 0: break fragment = content[current:next].strip() if fragment.find('<tr>') >= 0 or fragment.find('<td>') >= 0: break if fragment: result.append(fragment) current = next + len('<br>') return result def usage(): print >> sys.stderr, """ Usage: %(__program__)s [options] <query> Options: -1 --who Do a "who" query [default] -2 --what Do a "what" query -3 --where Do a "where" query -4 --when Do a "when" query -q --quiet Don't print anything to stderr for empty results """ % globals() def main(): _type = Googlism.DEFAULT_TYPE _verbose = True args = sys.argv[1:] if not args: usage() sys.exit() pairs, remainder = getopt.getopt(args, '1234q', ['who', 'what', 'where', 'when', 'quiet']) for option, argument in pairs: if option in ('-1', '--who'): _type = 'who' elif option in ('-2', '--what'): _type = 'what' elif option in ('-3', '--where'): _type = 'where' elif option in ('-4', '--when'): _type = 'when' elif option in ('-q', '--quiet'): _verbose = False _query = ' '.join(remainder) googlism = Googlism() result = googlism.go(_query, _type) if result: for line in result: print line code = 0 else: if _verbose: print >> sys.stderr, "No results were found" code = 1 sys.exit(code) if __name__ == '__main__': main()