Integrate figlet text into wiki pages using figletlink in a custom Mediawiki extension:
<figlet>text</figlet> (default font=standard)
<figlet font=fontname>text</figlet> (set another font)
<figlet>$fonts</figlet> (show font list)
<figlet font=$self>$self</figlet> (special for template usage, $self=pagename)
<figlet font=digital>moo</figlet>
For all fonts also see Category:Figlet
Historic: The original idea by DrOwl: "this is a first untested version with just monkey knolage of how to make it work"
<highlightSyntax> <?php
- Figlet Mediawiki extension
- using shell figlet
- by DrOwl 21.06.2005 modded from
- by mutante 25.03.2005
- modded again 21.05.2005 ,mutante
- modded again Owl & mutante 20.06.2006 - the slightly more secure 23 line version
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfFigletExtension";
- extension hook callback function
function wfFigletExtension() { global $wgParser;
- install parser hook for <figlet> tags
$wgParser->setHook( "figlet", "renderFiglet" ); } function renderFiglet( $input ) { global $wgOutputEncoding; $input = mysql_escape_string($input);
"; $output.=shell_exec("figlet " . escapeshellarg($input)); $output.="
return $output; } ?> </highlightSyntax>
Current Source[edit]
<highlightSyntax> <?php
- Figlet Mediawiki extension
- using shell figlet
- by DrOwl 21.06.2005 modded from
- by mutante 25.03.2005
- modded again 21.05.2005 ,mutante
- modded again Owl & mutante 20.06.2006 - the slightly more secure 23 line version
- modded again, mutante 22.06.2006 - the advanced version with fonts
- modded again, mutante 06.11.2006 - fixed bug (ctype_alnum) & added ExtensionCredits
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfFigletExtension";
- extension hook callback function
function wfFigletExtension() { global $wgParser;
- install parser hook for <figlet> tags
$wgParser->setHook( "figlet", "renderFiglet" );
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
'name' => 'figlet extension', 'author' => 'DrOwl / mutante', 'url' => ' Extension', 'version' => '0.23',
function renderFiglet( $input, $argv, &$parser) { global $wgOutputEncoding; $baseurl="";
- if ($argv["font"] && $argv["font"] <80 && ctype_alnum($argv["font"])) {
- <- this didnt work anymore after mediawiki and php upgrade somehow, removed "ctype_alnum", 061106
if ($argv["font"] && $argv["font"] ) { $userfont=$argv["font"]; } else { $userfont="standard"; }
$input = mysql_escape_string($input); $localParser = new Parser();
if ($input == "\$fonts") {
$fonts.=shell_exec("cd /usr/share/figlet; ls *.flf | cut -d. -f 1| xargs"); $fonts=explode(" ",$fonts);
$syntax.=" Available figlet fonts: ";
foreach ($fonts as $font) { $font=trim($font); $syntax.="$font "; }
$parsesyntax = $localParser->parse($syntax, $parser->mTitle, $parser->mOptions);
} else {
"; if ($input =="\$self") { # $nt = Title::makeTitle( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title ); # $input = $nt->getFullURL(); $title=$_GET["title"]; $title=explode("/",$title); $title=$title[2]; $input=$title; $fileinfocmd="head -n8 /usr/share/figlet/".$title.".flf"; $description=`$fileinfocmd`; $comment="<br \>This font for [[figlet]] is called \"'''$title'''\". File info: $description You can create it with the wiki syntax: '''<figlet font=$title>text</figlet>'''. Other fonts are in [[:Category:Figlet|Category:Figlet]]."; $parsecomment = $localParser->parse($comment, $parser->mTitle, $parser->mOptions); $comment=$parsecomment->getText(); } if ($userfont == "\$self") { $userfont=$_GET["title"]; $userfont=explode("/",$userfont); $userfont=$userfont[2]; } $uinput=escapeshellarg($input); $userfont=escapeshellarg($userfont); $figlet=shell_exec("figlet -f $userfont $uinput"); if (!$figlet) { $syntax.="Figlet error: '''''could not find the fontfile (or other fnord)''''', fontname given: $userfont check available fonts in [[:Category:Figlet|Category:Figlet]] or via '''<figlet>$fonts</figlet>'''."; $parsesyntax = $localParser->parse($syntax, $parser->mTitle, $parser->mOptions); $output.=$parsesyntax->getText(); } else { # do we also need to fix <! here? $figlet = str_replace("<!","<!",$figlet); $figlet = str_replace("</","</",$figlet); # actual output $output.=$figlet; if ($comment) { $output.=$comment; } } $output.="
- $output.="userfont: $userfont uinput: $uinput";
return $output; } ?> </highlightSyntax>
See ongoing talk.
We use Syntax Highlighting Extension here to highlight the PHP source.