In the early 1970's, Ray Tomlinson was working on a small team developing the TENEX operating system, with local email programs called SNDMSG and READMAIL. In late 1971, Tomlinson developed the first ARPANET email application when he updated SNDMSG by adding a program called CPYNET capable of copying files over the network, and informed his colleagues by sending them an email using the new program with instructions on how to use it. To extend the addressing to the network, Tomlinson chose the "commercial at" symbol to combine the user and host names, providing the naturally meaningful notation "user@host" that is the standard for email addressing today. These early programs had simple functionality and were command line driven, but established the basic transactional model that still defines the technology -- email gets sent to someone else's mailbox.
* RFC 918; J.K. Reynolds; Post Office Protocol; October 1984.
* RFC 1939; J. Myers, M. Rose; Post Office Protocol -- Version 3; May 1996.
* RFC 1957; R. Nelson; Some Observations on Implementations of the Post Office Protocol (POP3); R. Nelson; June 1996.
* RFC 2060; M. Crispin; IMAP Version 4 Revision 1; December 1996.
* RFC 2076; J. Palme; Common Internet Message Headers; February 1997.
* RFC 2821; J. Klensin; Simple Mail Transfer Protocol; April 2001.
* RFC 2822; P. Resnick; Internet Message Format; April 2001.
Accessing the Internet by E-mail[edit]
Summary: This guide will show you how to explore the World Wide Web,retrieve files from FTP sites, and even access Usenet newsgroups using E-MAIL AS YOUR ONLY TOOL.
[Accessing the Internet by E-mail FAQ]
If your mail server uses Exim you can use Exim filters to sort out spam (that could have been marked by amavisd for example).
S23.org users can just make a file .forward in their home directory and fill it something like this:
# Exim filter <<== do not edit or remove this line! # if error_message then finish endif if $h_to:,$h_cc contains "fnord@foobar" then save /home/mutante/Mail/Foobar elif $header_from: contains "amavisd" then save /home/mutante/Mail/Spam elif $message_headers: contains "*SPAM*" then save /home/mutante/Mail/Spam endif
Also see SpamFilter] !
This is just an example. Get into details here:
[Exim Filter Specification] [Filtering Email with Perl and Exim] [WLUG-Wiki - Exim Filter]
More specific info on @s23.org accounts: S23Mail