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    Debian package (manager) (also see apt-get,aptitude)


    dpkg -b | --build directory [filename]

    Build a deb package.

    dpkg -c | --contents filename

    List contents of a deb package.

    dpkg -e | --control filename [directory]

    Extract control-information from a package.

    dpkg -x | --extract filename directory

    Extract the files contained by package.

    dpkg -f | --field  filename [control-field] ...

    Display control field(s) of a package.

    dpkg --fsys-tarfile filename

    Display the filesystem tar-file contained by a Debian package.

    dpkg -I | --info filename [control-file]

    Show information about a package.

    dpkg -X | --vextract filename directory

    Extract and display the filenames contained by a package.


    dpkg -l | --list package-name-pattern ...

    List packages matching given pattern.

    dpkg -s | --status package-name ...

    Report status of specified package.

    dpkg -L | --listfiles package ...

    List files installed to your system from package.

    dpkg -S | --search filename-search-pattern ...

    Search for a filename from installed packages.

    dpkg -p | --print-avail package

    Display details about package, as found in /var/lib/dpkg/available.

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