(Redirected from BowDrill)
The BowDrill[edit]
There is something about having the ability and it giving you a heightened level of security of knowing how to start a fire without a fire source.
It is a priceless skill to learn and should be taught in school. We turn on the oven or heater whenever we get hungry or start feeling 'nippy' but
we do not really take the time to think about what is really happening. So lets go 'beyond the veil of habit and assumption' and learn about a
device called the BowDrill.
Here is a short flick that Shows a BowDrill in action.
(Courtesy of http://www.trackertrail.com)
- Making Fire with a Bow Drill
- [http://www.primitiveways.com/pt-small-fire.html The World's Smallest
Bow Drill Fire-by-Friction Set Challenge]