A network of interconnected Eggdrops on IRC
Botnet sharing and linking:
botflags: ( use with .botattr botnick + or - , example: .botattr foobot +h)
note: you cannot change the botflags of linked bots. you need to .unlink bot , .botattr and .link it again.
b (bot)
s (share/send/active)
p (share/accept/passive)
h (hub)
a (alternate)
l (leaf)
g (global share)
r (reject)
i (isolate)
0-9 (user defined)
The short short version is:
On the hub:
.+bot leafbot <host>:<port>
On the leaf:
+bot hubbot <host>:<port>
.botattr hubbot +h
.link hubbot
thats just linked, without sharing ..
for more enhancements go: http://www.egghelp.org/enhance.html
then you can also .chattr +f (or more) them to each other.