"They call it "Bed-gate." The British press has been hammering Foreign Secretary Jack Straw this week for sleeping on a bed in Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's private room on her plane -- while she slept on the floor out in the aisle -- on the duo's surprise flight Sunday from London to Baghdad.
"For his part, Straw says he was "mortified" to find that Rice had slept in the aisle.
"She offered me the use of the sofa bed in her room," he explained the next day. "I asked if there were proper alternative arrangements available, and she said yes."
"If circumstances were reversed, he said, "I hope I would do the same thing, but then I don't have a plane."
from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/04/06/AR2006040601943_pf.html
(also notice the "too Brokeback Mountain"-term in the first part)