Antisect is an IRC bot of the Eggdrop variety.
It is running a selfmade script that can access this Mediawiki.
<@AntiSect> S23-Wiki script by mutante. Here are the triggers, mutante
<@AntiSect> .title <string> - SEARCHes for a string in page TITLE (Alias .find)
<@AntiSect> .content <string> - SEARCHes for a string in the page CONTENT (Alias .full)
<@AntiSect> .display <page> - SHOWs the CONTENT of a wiki page (currently firsti 120 chars)
<@AntiSect> .rc - SHOWs the last 5 CHANGES on the Wiki (Recent Changes)
<@AntiSect> .popular - SHOW the most POPULAR wiki pages (hit count)
<@AntiSect> .sysops - SHOW the wiki SYSOPS
<@AntiSect> .stats - SHOW the wiki STATISTICS
<@AntiSect> .teach <page> - Bonus Trigger: Teach padma (infobot) about <page> ;)
<@AntiSect> .help - SHOW this HELP message
to be extended...
New SQL queries[edit]
Get recent changes:
- select rc_title,rc_comment,rc_user_text,rc_timestamp from recentchanges order by rc_timestamp asc limit 3;
Get most popular page(s):
- select page_id,page_title,page_counter from page order by page_counter limit 5;
Search in content:
- select page_title from searchindex join page on page_id=si_page where si_text LIKE "%Vorbis%";
Display content (searchtext,plain without wikisyntax)
- select left(si_text,180) as si_sum from searchindex join page on page_id=si_page where page_title="Ogg";
< avar> mutante: use recentchanges < Duesentrieb> mutante: :select <stuff> from page join revision on rev_page_id = page_id where <foo>
- select page_id,page_title,page_counter from page join revision on rev_id = page_id where page_title LIKE "Sandbox" limit 1;
Latest content:
- SELECT old_text,old_flags FROM `text` order by old_id desc LIMIT 1;